Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November update

It's another grand three-story month for Saturday Story-time. Here's what's coming down the pipeline:

Already available, "The Water Balloon Fight" is a story about two crotchety old men, and the inherent humor therein. Read it right here. It's gilded by a lovely picture by Sydney Writer.

Coming soon, an as-of-yet unnamed story is currently being constructed. It's about space. A lot of space. All the space. It has to do with one of my favorite science-fiction concepts: utter grandeur. Imagine flying through space and finding something so big that it defies numbers; indeed it reaches out in directions with such length that it seems a piece of the landscape of space. It is a structure that anchors the ends of the universe. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it. It will appear, fully formed, on the sixteenth.

And on the thirtieth . . . another story will appear. I'm not sure what it will be. Maybe something in a house? A man might have a gun. There might be a boat. I have so many ideas; only the strongest will survive.

Edit: I figured out the ending to the next story. Yes.